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Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600ml
Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600ml
Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600ml
Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600ml
Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600ml
Pepsi Pe soda carbonated beverage Classic Pepsi or Pepsi bottle 600mlPepsi bottle 600ml
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id 1781337004548096001
Competing flavors: Pepsi has a different recipe and taste than Coke, and it is generally considered to have a more heavily carbonated taste and a slightly different sweet taste. Some consumers prefer the taste of Pepsi.
Young brand image: Pepsi often connects with the younger generation through advertising and marketing activities, emphasizing vitality, enthusiasm and modernity to attract the attention of young people.
Celebrity endorsement and music marketing: Pepsi often invites pop music stars to endorse its products to attract consumers through music and entertainment marketing, such as Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and other well-known artists to participate in advertising campaigns in the past.
Diversified product portfolio: Pepsi also has a variety of flavor variants including Pepsi Light, Pepsi Extreme, Pepsi Clear Lime, etc., as well as other carbonated beverage brands such as 7Up and Mininda, to meet different consumer taste preferences.
Strong distribution network: Pepsi also has a wide and deep distribution network around the world, ensuring that consumers can easily buy its products in a variety of occasions.
Social Responsibility and sustainability: PepsiCo is equally focused on corporate social responsibility and sustainability, working to reduce the environmental impact of packaging materials, improve energy efficiency and water management.